Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse
The Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse, a project of the Law School, is seeking a 20-hours-per-week, remote within the United States (if desired) full-stack developer to work on a full-site revamp and additional development projects, for a term-limited (though possibly renewable) two-year appointment. The developer will work on both the front- and back-end of the Clearinghouse, a document and data repository with whose front-end application has over 15,000 public users per month and whose back-end coordinates over 50 student and staff contributors per year. The Clearinghouse is currently in the midst of a migration from existing technology to a new Django web application, and to a new host, using AWS RDS and S3. Responsibilities for the developer will include some system administration, but the majority of the role will be development and refinement of front- and back-end applications, including creating (new) APIs.
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