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About Us
Working America unites working people who don’t have a union on the job. With more than 4 million members in urban and suburban communities, we work together for good jobs, a fair economy and a democracy that represents all of us.
Founded in 2003, Working America, the community affiliate of the AFL-CIO, makes sure that the priorities of working people, their families and communities are heard from our state houses to the White House, from our city councils and school boards to the halls of Congress.
Across the country, from Florida to Ohio, and Pennsylvania to Texas, we’ve taken action against the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal. In just the past two years, we’ve fought for the rights of workers by opposing Right to Work (for less) in Missouri, New Mexico, Kentucky and West Virginia.
We’ve elected fair-minded State Supreme Court justices and expanded Medicaid in Pennsylvania, and helped lead the fight for properly funded, quality public education in Ohio and in Houston, Texas.
And across the country, we help working people hold elected officials, tax-dodging corporations and Wall Street accountable for their actions, demanding that they prioritize our concerns.