Pie & AI: Lagos - ChatGPT as an enhancer in work environment


Pie & AI is a series of DeepLearning.AI meetups independently hosted by community groups. This event is hosted by event ambassador Maxwell Nzekwe and Tech Semester. Special thanks to their support!

Bridging the gap between information and knowledge

Event Agenda & Speakers:

Welcome address : 10am - 10:05am

Introduction: 10:05am - 10:10am

Speakers speech: 10:10am - 10:40am

Q&A: 10:40am - 10:55am

Closing Remark: 10:55 - 11:00am


For beginner and intermediate learners

How to join the event online:

This event will be on ZOOM. Please check your ticket confirmation email (scroll down to the bottom) for access URL.

Course Promo Code

After the event, we will provide a limited number of promotional code for attendees who complete a post-event survey sent by DeepLearning.AI. With this promo code, learners can avail 50% off the first month subscription for any DeepLearning.AI course on Coursera. You can check out a full list of courses here.

About Pie & AI: Pie & AI is a series of DeepLearning.AI meetups independently hosted by our global AI community. Events typically include conversations with leaders in the world, thought-provoking discussions, networking opportunities with your fellow learners, hands-on project practice, and pies (or other desserts you prefer.)

If you are interested in hosting a local Pie & AI event for us in other cities and becoming one of our global ambassadors, send us a note at events@deeplearning.ai


Pie & AI by DeepLearning.AI community



Date & Time

May 27, 2023, 4 a.m. - May 27, 2023, 5 a.m.



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