Women in Climate Positive Innovation - a Roundtable Soiree


In 2022, more than $1.1 trillion was spent on Climate Tech investing, with expectations that the trajectory will continue dramatically upward as ambitious goals for sustainable growth become more elusive.

As your Hostesses with the Mostestess - Heather, Rika and Yiying - are excited to have you join us for a casual, but critical, intimate roundtable on some of the most important debates and discussions on climate tech and social sustainability. Let's explore

  • breakthrough innovation to drive key outcomes around CO2e/GHG
  • innovations in renewable energy best practices on introducing and delivering on - Sustainability and ESG governance, policy and initiatives in enterprise
  • VC / Startup ecosystem
  • and most relevant to you: the role of diversity in driving critical outcomes.

See you soon. We have much to share, vision, and action!

(note: drinks (and food if you'd like!) will be by self pay)




Santa Clara, CA

Date & Time

June 1, 2023, 4 p.m. - June 1, 2023, 6 p.m.



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