Date & Time
May 2, 2025, 8 a.m. - May 2, 2025, noon
This workshop brings together academics, thought leaders and stakeholders to discuss how analytics can support nonprofit organizations, government entities and social impact organizations in improving their reach and impact through innovative use of data and models. The overarching theme is analytics for doing good.
Registration coming soon.
Organizing Committee
Important Dates
Recommended Hotel
We invite scholars at universities and other research institutions working on analytics (broadly defined) for good as well as policymakers who frame their policies using business analytics. We are agnostic about the topic of research provided it fits into the workshop theme. We particularly encourage young scholars, junior faculty and PhD students to submit papers.
Submission Requirements: Please submit a 3-page extended abstract (page limit excludes references). In the submission, please include the title of the paper and the names and email addresses of all of the authors, and highlight the research questions/goals, novelty, methodological approach, main results, and impact or potential for impact.
Abstracts should be submitted by email to [email protected].