Internet & Information Access
Fighting censorship and bringing internet access or computer infrastructure to underserved populations
Internet & Information Access Organizations

Extreme inequality, social injustice and unsustainable development are powering the climate crisis and exacerbating the pandemic. We need a radically inclusive and just approach to tackle these problems. The most important question is not which emerging technologies to use, or even how to use them. The most important question is Who? Who gets to use these technologies? Who gets to lead the application of these technologies? We want the answer to be: local experts with lived experience who know best how to create positive social impact effectively and sustainably in their countries.
Partners & Advocates
Wilmington, DE, USA

Wikimedia Foundation
The non-profit Wikimedia Foundation provides the essential infrastructure for free knowledge. We host Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world, as well as many other vital community projects. We welcome anyone who shares our vision to join us in collecting and sharing knowledge that fully represents human diversity.
Public Service & Civic Engagement
San Francisco, CA, USA
Washington, DC, USA

Mozilla makes browsers, apps, code and tools that put people before profit.
Human Rights & Equality
Public Infrastructure
Mountain View, CA, USA
Chicago, IL, USA
Houston, TX, USA
New York, NY, USA
Atlanta, GA, USA
Denver, CO, USA
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Austin, TX, USA
Edmonton, CA, USA

Universal Service Administrative Co
The Universal Service Administrative Company is dedicated to achieving universal service. This important principle suggests that everyone in the U.S. deserves accessible, affordable, and pervasive high-speed connectivity.
Public Infrastructure
Washington, DC, USA
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