Government Transparency & Accountability
Tracking money in politics and government, disclosing public information about bills and policies, and ensuring governments are held accountable
Government Transparency & Accountability Organizations

American Oversight
American Oversight is a nonpartisan, nonprofit watchdog that uses public records requests backed by litigation to fight corruption, drive accountability, and defend democracy.
Human Rights & Equality
Public Service & Civic Engagement
Washington, DC

United Today, Stronger Tomorrow - Communities Respond to COVID
United Today, Stronger Tomorrow is a national pilot project that identifies constituencies and institutions impacted by COVID and tests innovative organizing efforts to connect them to both short-term work developing and implementing equitable COVID response policies and longer-term advocacy work that will create a more democratic, equitable, racially just, healthy, and environmentally sustainable post-COVID world. We are currently developing projects in NY, IN, CO, and a regional project in the upper Midwest.
Human Rights & Equality
Health & Well-Being
Partners & Advocates
Denver, CO, USA

1 open tech
Granicus is the leading provider of citizen engagement technologies and services for the public sector, bringing governments closer to the people they serve with the first-and-only Civic Engagement Platform. Granicus works with more than 5,500 government organizations and connects more than 280 million people in the largest Citizen Subscriber Network of its kind.
Public Service & Civic Engagement
Washington, DC, USA
St. Paul, MN, USA
Denver, CO, USA

Small Planet Institute
At the Small Planet Institute we spread an empowering understanding of democracy as the wide dispersion of power, transparency in public affairs, and a culture of mutual accountability. We call it Living Democracy, enabling each of us to act effectively on emerging solutions from electoral politics and economic life to the environment, hunger, agriculture, and beyond. Our goal is thus a future where all communities are thriving with dignity as Living Democracies, fulfilling our essential needs for personal power, meaning, and connection.
Public Service & Civic Engagement
Cambridge, MA, USA
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