Vocational & Adult image

Vocational & Adult

Classes and services that help adults learn new skills or skills directly related to a occupation

Education Subcategories

What is vocational education and why is it important?

Vocational education and training are educational programs that provide individuals with the skills and knowledge to successfully enter a chosen trade or career. Vocational education prepares students for specific jobs, and teaches practical, hands-on skills that are needed for success in the workplace. Vocational education is important as it allows people to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to gain meaningful employment and to increase their earning potential.

What is adult education and why is it important?

Adult education includes learning activities that are specifically geared towards adult learners. These activities encompass courses for professional development, personal enrichment and lifelong learning. Adult education can help further professional development, provide skills and knowledge for job advancement, and can even provide a pathway for career changes. It can also help people to keep up with technological changes, develop job-relevant skills, and to remain engaged and informed citizens.

How is technology playing an important role in improving vocational and adult education?

Education Technology is playing an important role in improving vocational and adult education by offering comprehensive, accessible and flexible solutions that can be tailored to the varied needs of students. Technology-based learning solutions provide students with an efficient and effective way of acquiring and retaining knowledge, as well as the tools to foster collaboration and engagement. Technology also improves student access to educational opportunities, making it more accessible for everyone regardless of geographical location or financial resources.

Vocational & Adult Organizations

Society of Professional Journalists Logo
Society of Professional Journalists

The Society of Professional Journalists is dedicated to the perpetuation of a free press as the cornerstone of our nation and our liberty. To ensure that the concept of self-government outlined by the U.S. Constitution remains a reality into future centuries, the American people must be well informed in order to make decisions regarding their lives, and their local and national communities. It is the role of journalists to provide this information in an accurate, comprehensive, timely and understandable manner. It is the mission of the Society of Professional Journalists: — To promote this flow of information. — To maintain constant vigilance in protection of the First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech and of the press. — To stimulate high standards and ethical behavior in the practice of journalism. — To foster excellence among journalists. — To inspire successive generations of talented individuals to become dedicated journalists. — To encourage diversity in journalism. —
Public Infrastructure
Indianapolis, IN, USA
Indianapolis, IN, USA
Re:Coded Logo

Re:Coded is a nonprofit organization with a mission to bridge the world's digital inequality divide through education. We train talented youth in under-served communities to become software developers, designers and leaders in their communities. We currently work in Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, and Yemen.
New York, NY, USA
Braven Logo

We believe that the next generation of leaders will emerge from everywhere. We empower promising college students with the skills, confidence, experiences, and networks necessary to transition from college to strong first jobs, which lead to meaningful careers and lives of impact.
Poverty Alleviation & Economic Development
Chicago, IL, USA
New York, NY, USA
Newark, CA, USA
Newark, CA, USA
Freedom of the Press Foundation Logo
Freedom of the Press Foundation

protects, defends, and empowers public-interest journalism in the 21st century.
Partners & Advocates
Public Infrastructure
New York, NY

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