Water Efficiency & Conservation image

Water Efficiency & Conservation

Supporting conservation of water or efficient water use

Environment Subcategories

Water Efficiency & Conservation Organizations

80 Acres Farms Logo
80 Acres Farms

80 Acres Farms brings you the next generation of fresh, delicious food—grown 100% pesticide-free at an eco-friendly indoor farm near you. Our farms can produce over 300 times more food than an ordinary farm. With 100% renewable energy, and 97% less water.
Food & Agriculture
Climate Change
Hamilton, OH, USA
Rachio Logo

Water waste is a big issue in the United States (particularly for western states), and things like excessive or unnecessary watering can make matters worse. The EPA estimates that up to 50 percent – yes, HALF – of the water we use outdoors "is lost due to wind, evaporation, and runoff caused by inefficient irrigation methods and systems." Rachio is working to fix this. With the help of Rachio users across the country, we have been able to conserve more than 50 billion gallons of water since 2014.
Denver, CO, USA
Bright Power Logo
Bright Power

At Bright Power, our mission is threefold. Increase the performance and value of buildings. Improve the comfort, health, and productivity of occupants. Eliminate negative impacts on the planet. Since 2004, Bright Power has changed the built environment by dramatically reducing carbon emissions and improving building performance. From design to ribbon cutting, energy auditing to implementing improvements, and performance benchmarking to ensuring results, we deliver deep value to all stakeholders in real estate—owners, operators, investors, occupants, communities, and the planet that houses all of us.
Climate Change
Clean Energy
New York, NY, USA
Texas Water Development Board Logo
Texas Water Development Board

State Agency
Public Service & Civic Engagement
Austin, TX, USA

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